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NOTE: Giving and Sharing is no longer with us in. We will have many of their articles available and links to the defunct website of GiveShare.Org.
YaHVaHYahweh.Name MP3 Podcasts
"Except for Fornication" See bottom (left) 26 min
(Kawbac, Rachats, Tabal not Mikvah)
Lead Passover in Your Church or Synagogue On Demand
This is from a student. Consult an expert
medical person.
(Technical) Psychotropic Drugs
A RING OF FIRE by Jimmy Swaggart. He often projects his voice hard. Like King David and most of us, Jimmy fell into temptation several noted times, but the Ring of Fire is a clear, sharp warning to love and obey YaHVaH.
Parts 1 & 2 above.
Concerns Passover
Quicker downloads
Recommendations are welcome. Programs of higher priority or some to eliminate or archive? Make comments about quality or length. Simply listen then click the Email button. In advance, thanks!
Shalom, Join Us in a Word Study !!!